Sunday, June 1, 2008
2:45 AM

On a whole, I enjoyed the CD, minus one track, 'Given Up.' The track comes off a bit to harsh and dark for me, especially when it's compared to the rest of the compilation. Some will find meaning and comfort in it I suppose, but I think after the average listeners first run through of the CD, this will be the disc's most skipped track.
In contrast, my favorite track is 'Hands Held High.' I'm glad to see, arguably, the most popular band in the world taking on politics in their music, and speaking out for and against things they believe in. This track appears to me to be written from the view point of young people during war time situations, American or not. Might it be a bash on President Bush? Possibly. But a song like this will have the ability to stand up through the ages, because it speaks in general terms of the disconnect between politicians and the people they serve. The closing track, 'The Little Things Give You Away' casts the government's handling of the Hurricane Katrina crisis in a very damning light. Not just government, but the people of this country in general. I tend to agree with some of the points made in this song, and disagree with others, but I applaud they used their pulpit to express ideals on important topics, rather than saying how G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S they are.
Other notables include the lead single 'What I've Done,' 'Bleed It Out,' and 'No More Sorrow.' The whole CD is worth listening to though, some of it political, spiritual, and a track or two commenting on death. Linkin Park, as all great bands have to do at some point, has let their music mature with them as they've grown in this business. This disc shows that very clearly, and I give it a solid recommendation. (Parents of younger fans may be interested in an edited version.
Posted by
Pande Komank
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